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tv   Today  NBC  October 19, 2013 5:30am-7:01am PDT

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where are they? the manhunt intensifies this morning for two convicted killers freed from prison using forged papers. as tips pour into police, officials make changes to make sure it never happens again. back in the spotlight. hillary clinton set to make her first public campaign appearance today. the first since leaving the obama administration, fueling speculation about a possible presidential run. and little hero. meet the 8-year-old boy who took on a purse snatcher. >> i blink my eyes and i see them open the car door really fast. i said, "stay here, don't do anything." >> so what happened next? we will tell you "today," saturday, october 19th, 2013.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with lester holt and erica hill. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" on this saturday morning. i'm erica hill. >> glad to have you with us. i'm craig melvin and dylan dreyer and maria schiavocampo is here. that little 8-year-old, that little fellow in texas, a little brave young man in texas and reckless as well. >> i'm sure his mom is not too happy with him this morning. >> no. i mean, he did it for a good cause. he did it for his family. we can't give away too much. if i was his mother, i would be the heart would be beating a little faster, a little anxious. exactly. we'll bring you that story ahead. ahead the stepmother of a florida teenager accused of bullying a girl who later committed suicide is facing charges herself this morning. we will tell you why. a doctor in utah is on trial accused of killing his wife
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because prosecutors said he wanted to be instead with his mistress. >> we'll see how that proceeds. >> one of the items on the "titanic" is up on the auction block today. it's the violin used by the ship's band master as he played for the passengers while that ship started to sink. it's a remarkable piece of history. we will tell you how much that thing could go for. >> fascinating. we begin with today's top story. that manhunt for those two murderers who were freed earlier this month. the families of their victims are demanding answers. sarah dolooff is live. in orlando this morning with the latest there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. this weekend priority number one for law enforcement is finding these two men. authorities believe joseph jenkins and charles walker are still in the orlando area. not only have they been spotted by witnesses, but we know just a few days after their respective releases they were here at the nearby county jail having their photographs taken and their fingerprints taken just as they
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would have had they been legitimately released. the two were mistakenly days apart freed less than a month ago and release on forged documents that was on the judge presided over the casey anthony trial. both men had been sentenced to life in prison for murder. and it was the mother of one of those murdered victims that told authorities to this after she received a letter informing her of that release. authorities not only want to find these men but they want to find if anyone else was involved in the doctoring of these documents and find out if any other inmates were also mistakenly released earlier. for now, the florida department of corrections is -- has changed the way that the releases are verified. they now must verify with a judge. erica, back to you. >> sarah, thank you. of course, the big question as sarah mentioned and one of
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the things investigators are trying to figure out, how could this happen? >> judge melvin perry is known for his time presiding over the casey anthony trial. his signature as sarah mentioned on the forged documents that set those men free. the judge is with us this morning with reaction from that. nice to have you with us, sir. do you have any sense at this point in time how this is happening? is your thinking that there's someone on the inside helping them? could it be an attorney? >> well, there are several alternatives as to how it happened. one, it could have been an attorney. it could be a jailhouse lawyer. inmates in jail sometimes do -- pleadings for each other. those are the two possible alternatives. it had to be someone with basic knowledge of legalese. >> basic knowledge, but i know you've said there should have been red flags from the very beginning simply of because of where the filings come from. this is not the type of document that would typically originate in the state
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attorney's office? >> that's correct, but you got to look who is handling the documents. was it a trial clerk? no. was it someone that came in in the clerk's office and just does routine paperwork that got paperwork, filed it and processed it? it's no surprise that when you don't have the correct individuals handling the documents, which they don't, and they are not expected to know what these documents are. >> sarah, our reporter on the scene there, just mentioned the changes being made that a judge has to verify this. is that enough to keep this from happening again? >> i think for the time being, that would be enough. we will institute a process when the documents are actually filed before the document is transmitted to the department of corrections. that document would have to be verified through the judge before that document is even transmitted to the department of corrections and the department of corrections announced steps they were going to take to make sure that they are going to double-check that. so there are two levels of
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filters that should present -- prevent this from happening again. >> you have no connection to either one of these men or connection to their cases. any idea why they chose your signature to put on these documents? >> the only thing i can guess is i'm well-known and probably thought nobody would have questioned my signature. >> you were also busy when these were supposedly filed with the casey anthony trial, correct? >> the first set mr. jenkins filed in may of 2011, myself and now state attorney jeff ashton were in the middle of the casey anthony trial. >> it is a fascinating case. a lot of people hoping for some answers. perhaps as soon as today. judge melvin perry, appreciate your time. thank you, sir. >> thank you. this morning, authorities in utah are deciding whether to press charges against the boy scout leaders who recorded themselves toppling a boulder in a state park but the men who now say they are getting death
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threats claim they did it for a very good reason. more now from miguel almaguer. >> reporter: with soaring rock formations and spectacular views, utah's goblin valley state park is a treasure only mother nature could create. the park is so beloved. >> wiggle it just a little bit. >> reporter: this video has sparked nationwide outrage. three men, boy scout leaders, who took their troops to the park, toppled a rock formation 170 million years old in just 14 seconds. >> we have now modified goblin valley. >> yea! >> a new goblin valley exists. >> reporter: glenn taylor, a scout leader for 20 years, pushed the massive boulder off its perch as his son stood by. dave hall, a scout most his life, shot the video. >> the first thing that we say after the rock is on the ground is, "a little kid right here
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could have been killed by this rock falling on them." it's all about saving lives. >> reporter: after posting the clip on youtube, authorities say the three scout leaders could be charged with felony vandalism. >> i was appalled that we had visitors in the park doing those type of activities. >> reporter: in hindsight the scout leaders say maybe call a park ranger. another lesson is maybe if you're going to push over a natural beauty, don't record it and upload it to social media. >> to so many people this looks malicious, you're laughing, you're joking around. that is not the case is what you're saying? >> when you're dealing with a 2,000-pound boulder and it's going to go down, there is adrenaline that is running. and, yeah, we're joking. i mean, it was -- it was spectacular. >> reporter: this morning, the boy scouts of america called the behavior reprehensible. so do many others. for "today," miguel almaguer,
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nbc news, highland, utah. there is a new twist this morning in the florida case where two girls i arrested for allegedly cyberbullying a 12-year-old classmate who committed suicide. the stepmother is under arrest herself after a violent video surfaced. we warn you this is tough to watch. maria schiavocampo is here with more. boy, the twists keep coming in this case. >> reporter: it is kind of unbelievable. good morning everyone. the stepmother's arrest is not related to the bullying case. she is facing charges after police say she beat a 14-year-old and other children in her care. and, once again, we want to note the video you're about to see may be disturbing. this morning, 30-year-old vivian vosberg is facing child abuse charges and neglect after being arrested friday. police say it stems from this video posted on facebook in july. according to the pope county sheriff it shows she is punching a boy's head while another boy is lying on the floor seemingly unconscious.
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>> that appears to be a normal way of life and they are laughing and cussing and throwing the f-bomb around. >> reporter: this comes on the heels of another cyberbullying case involving her teenage stepdaughter and a classmate, who we're not identifying. the girls are accused of felony aggravated stalking, accused of bullying rebecca sedgwick before she jumped from her death from a concrete silo last month. while authorities stress the stepmother's arrested is unrelated to her step daughter's investigation, the sheriff had this to say. >> the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. >> reporter: detectives say vosberg told them she was trying to break up the fight. she admits to punching one of the kids in the face and another one on the back of the head. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> it suggests to us she absolutely does not monitor the facebook pages or if she wants to take credit for monitoring the facebook pages, she thinks
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that is okay. >> reporter: the authorities say child services have reached out to ensure the safety of each child seen on the video. vosberg is without bond. as of late last night, she does not have an attorney and is expected to be back in court later this morning. erica? >> thanks. to politics now. hillary clinton is back in the spotlight and making her first public campaign appearance today since she left the obama administration. she will be in virginia endorsing terry mcauliffe who is running for governor there. could she be setting the stage for a white house run? she is fueling lots of speculation. kristen welker has more on this situation. >> reporter: terry mcauliffe is a long time clinton family friend and aide and no surprise that hillary clinton is campaigning for him later on today. but analysts say it is significant she is dipping her toes back into the political waters.
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he was hillary clinton right hand man sharing her 2008 bid for president. >> if we're going to build a new economy in virginia. >> reporter: but now terry mcauliffe is the candidate and later today clinton will endorse him for virginia's next governor at an event aimed at a core voting group for both of them, women. >> i think it's impossible not to see more as hillary clinton appearing at this event but i think she gets to do it under the guise she is helping her old friend. >> reporter: another political plus for clinton? virginia is a key swing state that turned blue the past two presidential elections. adding to the buzz, clinton's busy public schedule since leaving her position as secretary of state in february delivering dozens of high profile speeches and focusing on policy and even at times getting personal. >> i'm also a very proud mother because chelsea's role is expanding and this is truly a labor of love for our entire family. >> reporter: those close to her
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say clinton hasn't decided whether she will make another run for the white house but in a recent newsday article, the former first lady acknowledged she is considering it, telling the paper, i want to think seriously about it. i probably won't begin thinking about it until some time next year. but the wheels are already turning. the superpac i'm ready for hillary, unaffiliated with the clintons is in action and analysts caution timing is everything. >> it's extremely hard to be the front-runner for four years, should she choose to run. she is doing everything she can to try to delay a decision. >> reporter: polls show that clinton has a strong lead over any potential democrat or republican challenger which means she will continue to get a lot of scrutiny with every move she makes. back to you. >> let's talk a moment about fallout from the shutdown. 16 days. the government is now open again. the debt ceiling has been lifted. the president has insisted there were no winners. but aren't there some folks who were emboldened by the budget battle?
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>> reporter: i think so. i think president obama emerged emboldened. he said he didn't want to negotiate, he didn't negotiate and democrats remain unified. they might have more leverage in the upcoming budget battles. house speaker, john boehner is stronger because his base thinks he fought a good fight so he might have more sway with them in the next budget battle. clear losers tea party and republican party. polls show a majority of americans are blaming them for the shutdown. their issue is delay funding -- they missed a chance to criticize the obama care because of that rocky rollout we have been talking about. that doesn't mean the tea partiers will get voted out of office. a lot of their constituents thought they fought the good fight. >> reporter: budget negotiators going to the drawing board and hammering out a long-term budget deal. any chance, any hope they are able to reach a grand bargain this time?
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>> reporter: craig, it's tough to see. both sides of pennsylvania avenue realistically think a grand bargain is something that does something big on entitlement reform and tax reform will be very difficult. lawmakers have tried to do that in the past several times. it's failed. so it's hard to see it happening this time around. instead i think they will focus on something smaller, like trying to scale back the sequester if at all possible. one thing it seems like both parties do not have an appetite for another government shutdown. the republican leader in the senate mitch mcconnell says it will never happen again. >> the parties don't and neither does the public. >> kristen welker from 1600 pennsylvania, thank you. >> may be an newer understatement. we want to get a check of the morning's other top stories. good morning again. >> good morning. second arrest is made in the recent dry ice explosions at los angeles international airport. police say 41-year-old miguel iniguez was taken into custody
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friday while at work. he was a supervisor for ground services company at the airport. he was also in charge of the 28-year-old baggage handle airport. he was also in charge of the 28-year-old baggage handler, dicarlo bennett, who was arrest said f ed for allegedly setting off those bombs. a criminal investigation this morning is underway for the shooting of a mentally ill man. the officer said that the man lunged at him with a knife. but in a video, you see the man sitting in a chair in the street. he then stands up, arms at his side, when shots are fired. dallas police say the officer is on administrative leave. two missing marines from world war ii are finally laid to rest. the remains of staff sergeant thomas meek and captain henry white were recently identified, 70 years after their dive-bomber crashed in july of 1943. they were buried with full honors at arlington national
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cemetery. they remain together in a single casket. the cost of the affordable care act website has ballooned to three times the original price tag. that site, has been plagued by glitches since its october 1 launch date. the u.s. arm of the canadian company cgi had estimated a cost of up to $94 million. by may of this year, that cost had swelled to $292 million. and the man dubbed china's prince of tight rope walking is feeling like the king of the world this morning. he made his way across a wire suspended 330 feet above the great wall. he performed dancing, wearing a blindfold. even his protege got in on the act performing upside down. neither wore a safety harness. they only used balancing poles. now that's just showing off, right? >> look at the get-ups they are in, too. >> quite a show.
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if this is on, by the way, i'll take it. >> what's on? >> autumn. fall. >> no one told me about it. >> is autumn on? >> autumn is on. and it is gorgeous too. but very cold in some areas. some of the coldest air we have seen so far this season, aspen. 19 degrees right now. 25 in santa fe. dodge city is just above that freezing mark. and naturally because of this being some of the coldest air we've seen so far, we have some hard freeze warnings in dark blue here. in light blue, we do have freeze warnings and also some advisories as well. so it is extremely cold in that area. but we are also seeing high pressure in control. so while it is a little cold right now, it's only because it's nice and clear. when you have clear skies and calm winds, that's when you get your coldest temperatures. but you also get a lot of sunshine, and it
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good morning. here in the bay area weather center. we have clear skies across the bay this morning. just a thin sliver of fog. san francisco 50, san jose 48. later today plenty of sunshine just a tad bit cooler. 77 in san hope say. temperatures g -- san jose. take advantage of the warm weather because by monday back into the 50, 60s and 70s. sea after going down with the titanic. but now this piece of history is expected to fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars. we got a first-hand look. >> reporter: from the most famous ship of all-time, its most iconic piece of memorabilia. >> good luck. >> the violin played by the
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titanic's band master as the liner sank into the north atlantic a century ago, a moment of bravery captured in the movie. as passengers ran for their lives, wallace hartley and his band tried to calm them with music. days later, the suitcase bearing his initials was found floating in the water, and with it the violin, which is now expected to sell for more than half a million dollars. of all the artifacts of the titanic, why do you think this will be one of the more valuable? >> wallace hartley is one of the more famous individuals surrounding the disaster. and to have the violin that the band master played, it simply doesn't get any better than that. >> reporter: it really is incredible to be holding something from the titanic. there's hardly any visible damage. just a few cracks. the fact it's in such good condition makes some people doubt it is authentic. but since being discovered in 2006, the instrument has undergone years of tests, even getting scanned in a hospital.
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>> absolutely, we believe it is the violin that was onboard titanic. >> reporter: one important detail remains intact, the plate which reads for wallace on the occasion of our engagement from maria. it was a gift from the fiancee he would never return to. the movie, "a night to remember," shows wallace playing his final hymn on it, "nearer my god to thee." put down the turkey. put down the turkey and pick up your purses. can you believe this? thanksgiving day. this thanksgiving day, more stores are opening up to holiday shoppers. just a little bit early. >> we keep moving it up. before you know it, we'll just stay open wednesday through friday. it has a lot of people fired up, starting facebook petitions, boycotting shopping on thanksgiving. dylan has more reaction to that.
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not a lot of positive reaction to this idea. >> no. which goes to show you that people want to stay home and just enjoy the turkey. but for the first time in 155 years, macy's has announced that most of its stores will be open starting at 8:00 p.m. on thanksgiving day. jc penny is following suit. so we asked you would you shop if stores are open on thanksgiving day. and a resounding 85% said no. but 15% said yes. checking out twitter, a lot of people disagree with this. she says, absolutely not. holidays should be spent with families, period. i would strike if i still worked in retail. randy said, i would not shop on thanksgiving. isn't it supposed to be plaque friday, not selfish thursday? and i honestly couldn't agree more. but what are people saying on the plaza? >> we have a very scientific survey going on out here with the paddles. what do you guys think? would you go shopping on thanksgiving day? yes or no. let's see.
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so it's overwhelmingly -- i don't think there's one -- there's one yes. ok. she would go out. my vote is also no. it's good to know that i'm not the only one who just wants to drink wine and eat pyo-thanksgiving. >> and watch football. >> and the workers as well. the workers who have to show up. >> they'd like to spend the day with their family. >> yes. still to come, the little guy who came to the rescue after a thief tried to steal his mother's purse. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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still to come on "today" new twist in the murder trial accused of killing his wife because he allegedly wanted to be with his
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very fall like across the board today. sun sunnyvale at 49 degrees. 67 in san francisco, 84 in livermore. a little bit cooler for tomorrow, kris. more of a sea breeze so the coast will be cooler tomorrow. take advantage of that tomorrow. if you are headed to santa cruz or san francisco, it will be nice. >> bart trains remain idle this morning. it turned into a battling press conference situation between union leaders and bart. union leaders suggested contentious work rules be taken to arbitration. the union say workers can get back on the job while those
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rules are worked out, but bart officials say the offer is a repeat of what was on the table when the talks broke down in the first place. the transit agency said it will take the entire deal to arbitration but not part. both sides calling on one another to start talking this morning. >> a 2-year-old child is in critical condition this morning. a bullet hit him as he was playing on the sidewalk in front of his own house. police say the bullet came from some two blocks away. the child was hit in the upper body. at this point doctors are hopeful he will survive. police have not named any suspects in custody at this time. >> 40 police cadets graduated two weeks ago and already almost
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half of them want out. the reason may be san jose mayor's pension reform. the city spends roughly $170,000 to train each cadet and nut recruits aren't required to stay on the job after graduation. >> coming up, we'll show you where you can go to get an up close and personal look at the force. that and all the day's news coming up at 7:00. right now here's the "today" show.
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we are back on this saturday morning, october 19th, 2013. we have a nice enthusiastic crowd out there on the plaza this morning. always nice to have them spend time with us underneath those monitors. we saw them earlier. >> yes. >> love the big crowd. lots to get to. including a little bit of controversy over this "el" magazine cover showing melissa mccarthy covered up in a big jacket and some people say it sends the wrong message. also ahead you may not want to mess with this little man but hope he is on your side. a brave 8-year-old who police
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say you should never do, but we are going to show it to you. he took on a purse snatcher as he was trying to steal his mom's money. we will give you a little bit more background on that. >> to hear him talk about it is amazing. later, unique rule forms are coming up ways to drum up business and keep people entertained for hours at the same time. it may be a great weekend outing for you. i love that story. a doctor is accused of murder. prosecutors say he killed his wife, a former beauty queen, so he could be with his mistress. a friday, a bathtub became the focus of that trial and it's just getting underway. we have more from inside the courtroom. >> this is not the actual tub but it is the same model. >> reporter: a bathtub in the center of the courtroom and what could prove to be a key element in the case of a utah doctor accused of murdering his wife. on friday, neighbors and first responders testified how they first saw michelle macneill
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slumped over in her bathtub the day she died. >> i would say her head was pretty good and slumped. maybe a small portion of it above the rim. >> reporter: prosecutors says her husband mart macneill, once a physician and lawyer, drowned and drugged his wife of nearly 30 years to be with his mistress. a woman who attended the funeral and neighbors say they saw around the macneill home around a week of her death. >> pretty quick. maybe a week or two, yeah, we would see her coming and going. >> reporter: the family from the outside picture perfect. eight children and four adopted by martin macneill's daughters have sided against him. >> who is in the bathtub? >> my wife! >> shall he is conscious? >> she's not. she's not. i'm a physician! >> reporter: michelle had undergun a facelift and on painkillers. medics and neighbors there the morning of her death have
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testified dr. macneill was ranting asking why did chef to have the surgery and why taken all of those pills? and behavior that concerned first responders. >> was it going to go from me doing compressions to me having to restrain him or defend myself. >> reporter: martin says he was not at home at the time of his wife's death and pleaded not guilty. his attorney say michelle macneill died of heart disease and insists that martins is not a killer. we want to get another check of the forecast for you now from dylan. >> good morning, erica! we are out here on the plaza. it's dark out here! where did the fall go? we haven't turned the clocks back yet and that comes in november so we still have some more time. we are going to see a chance of rain, especially back across the great lakes into illinois and indiana today. and then it will start to push eastward tomorrow but look at the cold fronts out there. ahead of it, we do have a chance of showers and thunderstorms and
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especially down across florida and lighter snow showers through the upper midwest, especially across northern areas in minnesota where tomorrow they could end up with a couple of inches of snowfall. rain in wisconsin and the rest of the country drying out as the cold fronts move eastward and weaken a bit and isolated shower possible in the northeast and doesn't look like it will amount to much. after a cold start in the plains temperatures warm up through the weekend and nice and mild as we head into the day on sunday. the west coast is nice and comble. hot in the southwest good morning. at 6:04, waking up to just a little bit of fog in san jose, which you'll notice clear conditions. temperatures today are going to be very mild, starting off a little cold. 50 in san francisco, 51 in san jose. later in the south bay close to
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80. very nice across the bay area. lots of sunshine all the way through the rest of the weekend. have a good one. we have a family here that drove all the way from syracuse, new york. naturally you're going to help me toss to my next spot. >> i'm tracy from syracuse and today's hot hospital is huntsville, alabama. >> the news anchor is celebrating 15 years being cancer free this year. she funded her breast cancer run in 1988 and the race has raised more than $1.5 million to help other women in alabama in their fight against breast cancer. our congratulations to liz hurley and good luck to them on their walk today. >> dylan, thanks. ahead, a ghostly tale, just in time for halloween! woo! first, these messages. give me a few minutes, pete.
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we are back with a scary tale for murder mystery fans. "help for the haunted" follows a teenage girl as she tries to find out who killed her parents, who happen to be a pair of paranormal investigators. good morning. >> good morning. great to be here. >> it crosses a couple of different genres. >> it's part coming of age, part murder mystery. a female is seeking about the truth about their parents's lives and deaths. >> why through a teenage girl. >> isn't it obvious i deep down i am a teenage girl, i joke. i was just intrigued by this
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voice of the character. one night in the opening chapter, they get-go into the church and they don't come out alive. she's the only witness to the death. >> i understand there was also some real-life inspiration as well for this. >> you know, i put lots of details from my own life. in particular, my mom sends me up to the attic to get things. i opened a garbage bag and saw red yarn. after i screamed and bead my pants i remember in the '70s and '80s, my mom made a home made raggedy ann. the doll doesn't come to life. but it adds a creepiness. >> at times it is down right scary as well. >> well, it's the season for that kind of read. it's not a horror film, but it is a scary read and a page
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turner. gone girl, lovely. these kind of people will love it. >> why are we so obsessed with these kinds of stories? why do we like to have the snot scared out of us? >> i think fear is one of the strongest human emotions. people are also obsessed with the unknown. parents deal with the unknown. this girl and her sister are trying to find out what it was when they were alive and who killed them. it's a great book for book clubs as well. >> any recommendations for the fall? >> well with, my book of course. i just read "we are water." wally is a two-time oprah pick. i would say get that and you're set for fall. >> it has horror movie written
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all over it. >> there's a lot of nibbles from hollywood. >> "help for the haunted." up next, misha barton on her hopes for a comeback after these messages. do the things that i w. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. so now, i can do more of the things i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness,
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you can make dinner disappear. ♪ he distances. can't help but move there little gaga in your ears. today's hollywood headlines. a magazine cover controversy, plus the director of the transformers attacked on the set. that set on a movie overseas. >> lisa is here with us with those stories and lots more. >> dancing in the morning? >> it's good. put a little pep in your step. let's start with this melissa mccarthy cover with a lot of folks talking. the cover of "el" magazine and the magazine is slammed for covering her up. >> they are going to plan for covering her up because three other actresses on cover and
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this is their women in hollywood issue and those women are not covered. reese witherspoon and then she is barely wearing anything and the close-up of penelope cruz's face. we were told melissa picked that outfit and comfortable in it. >> how does melissa mccarthy feel about it? >> she is happy with the cover. she said she was nervous to do this kind of a shoot. they said she looked beautiful and i think she looks beautiful as well but i can understand why people are upset about that. >> she is a fantastic actress. i'm a huge fan. so this story i'm still trying to wrap my head around the details here. "transformers." they are shooting a new movie in hong kong and a story he was attacked on set and wild tale.
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>> it is a wild tale. he told the story. >> i read it. >> so basically the first day of filming, he has these two brothers tried to exploit him saying we need thousands of film and we will blast music. these guys try to attack him. he said he ducks. air-conditioning unit is thrown. >> he says they were carrying a large air-conditioning unit and threw it? >> my favorite part is when cops were called in he said one of the guys tried to bite the cops and the only thing that saved him was his air bubble. >> michael, here is the thing about michael bay. he is not a low-key guy. he is pretty intense. >> like his movies. >> yeah. >> he is known for -- he is -- on set actors are afraid of him because he screams and yelling and intense. these guys messed with the wrong guy. >> they picked the wrong director. let's talk about -- we haven't heard a lot from her after she
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left "the o.c." what does she share? >> the on the cover of "people" magazine. >> not that picture. >> there is the cover. she was under a hole that britney was under. she talks about how she had a breakdown and her life was out of control because of the pressures of young hollywood. she has been media shy for years and the first time she has opened up. >> this is the part of her first move as she is testing the waters for the comeback? >> exactly. she has a couple of movies in the works and doing a pilot and living in london and has a house in the hollywood hills she comes back to often. she got sick of people talking about her weight and out of controlness and said, "it's time for me to speak up." >> she was very thin on that show and then she got normal and
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now people say she is fat so you can't win. >> she says was only abusing substances because of the pressure she was under. she is a decent normal size and people saying she is ridiculed but she is in a good weight. >> i don't like that you throw in there tried because we didn't say anything. >> we were just going right along with it. >> thank you. you can watch "e news" week nights at 7:00 pacific. family on the farm. it wasn't just for apple digging any more. >> this is "today" on in business. [ laughter ]
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he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls.
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make the weekend pop. ♪ still to come on a saturday on "today," the all-out search for two convicted killers
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mistakenly set free from prison. also an 8-year-o [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter.
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[ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup having coffee. ohh. my dna...s me. every piece is important... this part... makes my eyes blue... i might have an increased risk of heart disease... gallstones... hemochromatosis... i'll look into that. the more you know about your dna, the more you know about yourself... now i know. know more about your health. go to and order your dna kit for only 99 dollars today. learn hundreds of things about your health at orange juice...tomato sauce... can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back.
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my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel that you have. and i believe it's doing a good job.
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we're looking live at where the golden gate bridge should be, though it's shrouded in fog there. thanks for joining us.
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i'm here with meteorologist anthony slaughter who has a forecast that is variable. >> it's variable. i like that. at the golden gate, we're seeing a little bit of fog. you'll in the the beg thing, temperatures are load. 39 in ant a rosa, 39 in novato. eventually we'll warm up. 77 in san francisco bay. it will be warm across the bay and even cooler tomorrow. we'll talk about that at 7:00. >> thanks very much. bart trains remain idle on the track today. there was a glimmer of hope that the strike might end but it turned into battling press conferences between union leaders and bart. union leaders sent a letter suggesting they take contentious work rules to arbitration.
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they say workers can then get back on the job while those rules are worked out. bart says those offers a repeat of what was on the table when talks broke down. with no deal, both sides calling on the other to start talking. >> a 2-year-old boy is in critical condition this morning. he was hit by a bullet while playing on the sidewalk. police say the bullet came from some two blocks away. the child was hit in the upper body. at this pointoctors are hopeful he will survive. police do not have any suspects in custody. >> police cadets graduated three weeks ago and half of them want out already at a cost of nearly
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$3 million for the city temperature police say they're leaving from departments like logan hill. they spend nearly $170,000 to train each cadetin and yet new recruits are not required to stay on the job after graduation. >> coming up, the star wars galaxy lands in the bare area. where you can go and get an up close look. that and all the day's news coming up four at 7:00. plus more on that variable forecast.
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♪ good morning! it is sad, october 19th, 2013. here's a look at today's top stories. where are they? police searching all over florida for these two convicted killers who were freed from prison using forged paper work. this morning as that manhunt intensifies, there are changes coming to ensure this doesn't happen again. ready to be sentenced in a matter of days. the ohio man who admitted to driving drunk and killing a man will find out just how much time he'll get behind bars as his lawyers plea for lenienclenienc an 8-year-old who goes after a gas station robber who stole his mom's purse. we will tell you why he says he
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did it. welcome back to "today." i'm erica hill. >> i'm craig melvin alongside dylan dreyer and maria schiavocampo. also with us. i can't get enough of that 8-year-old story. >> authorities say it worked out great, but don't try this. >> never do this. never, ever, ever, do this! especially if you're a child. >> yeah. >> but he is going to explain that in his own words in few moments. the florida manhunt where we want to begin this morning. so much focus on florida. sarah doloff is in orlando with the latest on the search for the two men. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. catching these men is priority number one from federal, state, and local authorities who still believe that both are in the area. in fact, within days of their escape, they walked in to the nearby county jail and registered as felons. joseph jenkins and charles
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walker daring plans to stop after they were mistakenly freed from prison 11 days apart. they both came to the orange county jail to be fingerprinted and photographed as they would have done if they were legitimately relieved. >> this is frustrating to all of us. >> reporter: their risky road to escape was paved carefully forged documents. the bogus paper work bore the signature of judge melvin perry who presided over the headline casey anthony trial. >> it's very ingenious. it's a breakout without having to break out. >> reporter: both men had been sentenced to life in prison. jenkins for the murder of roscoe pew and slater's mother alert authorities to the escape after receiving this letter informing her of walker's release. >> i almost passed out really. i almost passed out. >> words couldn't express how -- how we feel.
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>> reporter: for victim roscoe pew's children, news of jenkins escapes has opened old wounds of their witnessing their father shot to death 15 years ago. >> at the end of the day, i feel like him being in prison was enough because we still don't have our daddy. >> reporter: prosecutors are now combing through their records to look for any other inmates who may have also been mistakenly relieved as officials continue to on examine what went wrong in this case. >> why did this occur in the first place? what were the system's failures. >> reporter: questions that may not be answered until both convicted killers are back behind bars. witnesses have spotted both of these guys around orlando. authorities are calling them dangerous, but as to if they are armed, they say they don't know right now. >> sarah, thank you. now to the case against a 22-year-old man who admitted that he killed someone while driving drunk when he posted this video confession online.
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his attorneys are making a plea to the judge now just days before his sentencing. >> reporter: it may be the most viewed confession that he'll ever, more than 2 million hits on youtube. >> on june 22nd, 2013, i hit and killed vincent canzoni. >> reporter: now authorities say that video made before he was ever charged is one reason the judge should be lenient when sentencing the 22-year-old. >> what we would like is for the judge to look at the person who made the video. look at his character, his integrity and his courage. >> reporter: he was already a suspect in the death of the 61-year-old navy veteran and father when he made the video. but his attorneys say cordle has taken responsibility for the crime by turning himself in and pleading guilty and spreading his message to don't drink and drive. police say his remorse could
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mean leniency on a six-month dui sentence but on the vehicular homicide they are asking for the maximum. >> you have a tragic crime taking place and it's not surprising that the prosecution is taking a tough stance on this case and only insisting on the eight years in jail. >> reporter: cordle talked to me before turning himself in last month. >> i hope the canzoni family can get closure on this and i pray they find peace someday and people take my message at heart. >> reporter: one of the daughter angry about his father's death is supposed to speak at the sentencing before the judge decides on how much time cordle
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should serve. time for a look at the rest of the morning's top stories. >> maria schiavocampo is here with more on that. good morning again. >> good morning, guys. officials in utah are deciding to file criminal charges against a group of boy scout leaders who purposely knocked over an ancient rock formation. it took just seconds to push over than giant bolder at goblin valley state park. the three men cheered as you can hear. they high-fived each orn there and they recorded it all on cell phone video. >> we go it. ♪ just a little bit." >> modified goblin valley. >> reporter: the men claim the rock was a posed a threat to visitors. the firefighter accused of running over and killing a survivor of the asia anna airline crash will not be
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charged. a district attorney attorney came to that decision after reviewing first responder's reports and video from the scene. he said that the firefighters response did not violate any criminal laws. police said the 16-year-old student survived the july crash only to be run over by a fire truck while she was covered in firefighting foam. same-sex couples can marry in new jersey beginning on monday. this after the state supreme court denied a request friday from the governor's office to temporarily halt gay marriages. last month, a lower court ordered the -- that the state allow same-sex couples to marry beginning october 21st but governor chris christie's administration had appealed that decision. the fbi's terrific task force is investigating recent laser attacks targeting planes in the new york metro area. this week, there were two incidents on planes approaching laguardia airport. the fbi is asking anyone with information to contact them. the announcement came along with a report that laser attacks against inbound flights at new york airports have increased 17%
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so far this year. and the st. louis cardinals are headed to the world series. the cardinals stunned with a four-run third inning during friday's game against the dodgers. they beat los angeles 9-0 in game six of the national league championship series. they now face either the boston red sox or the detroit tigers for the major league baseball crown, the red sox lead that series three games to two and as a yankees fan, i'm rooting for detroit. >> dylan dreyer, a red sox fan. >> oh, yeah. >> she has a check of the weather and probably a lot of support. >> a lot of support for the red sox. here is my problem. every time i watch the red sox in this particular series, they lose. so i will not be watching. >> i'm sure that is what it is. >> i am changing the whole course of the entire world series here on whether or not i watch this. we will see what happens when i don't watch later on today. we are looking at a lot of rain in parts of the gulf coast. we have three cold fronts and
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they are all kind of doing a different thing. we have got the first one right through here. this one is going to spun off some thunderstorms later on this afternoon, but we also have this back through here which is the one that is helping to create some of those thunderstorms right now through the gulf coast states. it's also bringing up some moisture and some clouds, especially through the mid-atlantic. then we have a third cold front and that is the one that is going to reinforce some cold air. so by the time this one eventually gets to the northeast, it is going to drop temperatures back down into the 50s as we head into next week. there are the three cold fronts. we could see snow showers especially as we go into sunday across northern minnesota where we could end up 1 to 4 inches of snow. in the meantime, today that rain through indiana is spreading into ohio. it will weaken as it spreads eastward and heavier thunderstorms through ne good morning. 6:39. anthony slaughter here. you'll notice the fog at the golden gate bridge is scooting
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across the screen. really, a lot of this fog is very isolated this morning. isolated to the golden gate. koltd in the north bay with 30s, otherwise 40s and 50s across the area. 82 in concord and 71 in half moon bay. if you're headed out to the pumpkin festival, it should be nice. cooler on the coast tomorrow. w over to erica and craig. this morning an 8-year-old boy getting a lot of extra attention after taking on a man who tried to steal his mother's purse. >> a wild story. veronica de la cruz is here to break it down for us this morning. >> reporter: good morning. you are about to meet the remarkably brave 8-year-old boy in houston who didn't know to be afraid of the robber or he just didn't care. it all happened in just a few seconds. >> shocking. scary. and sad. >> reporter: early thursday morning, jose alonzo is on his
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way to school when his mom stops at this houston gas station. watch the surveillance video as jose's mom steps out of the car and heads inside. keep your eye on the man with the red cap and white shirt. he sees his opportunity, reaches into jose's car and grabs the mother's purse. >> i blink my eyes and i see him open the car door really fast. i said just stay here and don't do anything. >> reporter: the 8-year-old tried unsuccessful to hold on to the purse but then jumps out in hot pursuit of the suspect. >> and he ran as fast as i can so i reached in and grab my mom's black wallet with her credit cards. >> reporter: >> and you will this with one shoe on and one shoe off. >> i was scared a little bit but i told myself, just -- just go with it. >> reporter: police don't recommend anyone chasing after a robber, let alone an 8-year-old, but jose says he took the risk to help his family. >> my sister's party was coming up and i wanted her to have her
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party and i wanted my mom to get all of her stuff back. >> police say that the suspect is still at large this morning. i guess the moral of the story is don't mess with jose. >> but we want to make sure people watching don't get the wrong idea. this is certainly not behavior. >> he definitely got lucky. he is like clearly a sweet, sweet boy. >> good news to report on for once. everything worked out. >> everything did. i'm curious why the boy was in the car one shoe on and one shoe off? i guess at 8, he is not driving. >> it's early in the morning. he is on the way to school and poor kid is still waking up. >> that is an incredible story. still to come, an amazing trip that is fun for the whole family. that's right. pun intended. it's right after these messages. >> amazing but not corny! when you have diabetes like i do,
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tylenol®. ♪ ♪ ♪ it is fall. or autumn as you prefer. >> yes. >> very fancy over there. which is a great time for families across the country to be outside and doing all of those fall things like going apple picking and heading to the pumpkin patch and everything else. >> you love fall. >> it's my favorite season. >> i know. i can tell. your eyes light up when you talk
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about it. as we report, it's really helping their bottom lines. >> reporter: mornings are deceivingly quiet on this iowa farm. a little more than a combine working the field. fast forward a few hours and this stretch of corn country forms into an unlikely tourist attraction. >> a great way to go out and see the countryside and get out for a little while. >> reporter: this is how farmers across the country are supplementing the harvest. 1,200 sglzip line is just the start. at this farm a bouncy floor for kids and all kinds of swings and things to climb on. and if you think this is just another corn field, take another look. one of the biggest attractions is right here. it's called the corn maze. it's essentially a walkable puzzle. and it's a lot harder than it looks. with elaborate
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computer-generated design the maze stretches a dozen acres. >> it tests your wits a little bit. >> reporter: and can hold you hostage for hours. >> thankful my husband comes along and he has a great sense of direction. >> reporter: on some fall weekend, attendance tops 3,000 at about $10 a hid. >> 36 dollars, please. >> reporter: like the $20 zip line and the perfect pumpkin. this is a working corn and soy bean farm. >> are you having fun? >> reporter: but entertainment is now 30% of profits. >> corn is up, down. soybeans, a drought this year. this keeps it stead for us. keeps a stead income because it's grown that much. >> groo crop this year. >> reporter: david peterson, a fifth generation farmer is the first in his family to charge admission. you've come around? >> oh, yeah. it took a little while. took a couple of years but i really enjoy it. >> reporter: it's almost like a county fair. pig races and petting zoos. >> i like the animals in the big
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open space to play. >> reporter: as the sun goes down, a new crowd arrived for fright night as the family farm turns to a haunted house for extra cash. janet shamlian, nbc news, in iowa. >> it's fun to do those things. >> as a city girl this looks so much fun like seeing a pig. >> you've never seen a pig? >> never. >> your daughter is at the perfect age. i sense a field trip in your future. >> petting zoo. >> nothing says fall like a good old-fashioned state fair. >> and a tried twinkie? >> fried anything for that matter. >> fried butter you can get that now. maybe not. >> you can get a lot of that stuff. you take the kids apple picking? >> but this is the first year we haven't made it but fall is not over yet and still time. >> nor is autumn. it is not over yet. >> nor is autumn.
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>> we will be right back. first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ too big. ♪ too soft. too small. ♪ mmm! ♪ too happy. ♪ [ male announcer ] at progresso, we've got a passion for quality. because you've got a passion for taste.
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♪ welcome back. welcome back. that's going to do it. that's it. we are done. >> that's it! a little shorter show today. >> a little shorter show. thank you so much rg, everyone. more on "today" tomorrow, hundreds of dare devils jumping from new heights. >> we will show you the pictures of that. why now
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good morning. coming up next on "today in the bay," no deal. the ongoing pressure of the bart strike. >> and the $3 million revolving door. why cadets leave before they even start the job and what that means for public safety. plus a galaxy of your favorite characters have landed in the bay area. the star wars universe goes on display. this morning we'll tell you where coming up on "today in the bay" in two minutes. so what can i get you?
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we'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪ ♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪ ♪ oh how did i get this way? ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ hey! must be the honey!
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from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> the toll plaza looks very different than it's looked since the bart strike started. we'll talk about the strike and that beautiful sunrise you see in the distance. thanks for


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